Following is the
information found regarding your request:
LDS Microfilm Reel #
0016746,Costilla Church Records.Marriages 1865-1937.
21 Sept 1885.Married
Ricardo Oakley son of Richard Oakley and Mary An
Field,With Maria
Lionisia Cortez,Daughter of A.M.Cortez and Maria
Guadalupe Vigil.Test:Jose Garcia and Maria Ramon de los Dolores
From the Book
"Parroquia De San Miguel Dela Costilla
Baptisms Marriages 1865-1881."Extracted By:Maria
C.Martinez.Page 14.
Maria Leonisia Cortez
Bapt 4-22-1871,Daughter of Antonio M.Cortez and
Maria Guadalupe
Vigil.San Luis...Antonio Cortez and Guadalupe Vigil
have 7 Children's Baptisms recorded in The Costilla
records and some of them provide Antonio 's full
name as Antonio
Maria Cortez.
The book "Taos
Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill
Trujillo Sept 1994.Published
by:The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic
America-Southern Calif Branch.Lists Antonio Maria Cortez as
married twice and identifies his parents.
Book of Marriages Taos
M-40 (Box 37) 1833-1845.Frame 1349.May 6,1844
CORTES,Soltero Hijo de Paulin Cortes y de Maria Dela
Concepcion Martines,ya difuntos,Oriundi deeste Curato de Taos
y Vecino dela Plaza de San Francisco Del Rancho,Con MARIA LUISA
GARCIA,Soltera Hija de Juan Antonio Garcia y de
Maria Manuela
Trugillo,Oriunda del Curato de Abiquiu y Vecina dela
Plaza De Purisima Concepcion.Padrinos:Juan Benito Cortes
y Maria Dorotea Romero,Vecinos de San Francisco Del
Rancho.Testigos:Mnuel Miera y Jose Antonio
Lopes,Vecinos deesta Plaza de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.
Book of Marriages Taos
M-41 (Box 38) 1845-1856.Frame 95.Dec 6,1847 ANTONIO
of Maria Luisa Garcia,Resident of San Francisco Del
Rancho,Native of
Taos,With MARIA GUADALUPE VIGIL,Daughter of Juan
Cristoval Vigil,deceased
and Maria Viviana Torres,Residents of the same place
and native of Taos.Pads:Simon
Lino Trugillo and Maria Del Refugio Lujan,Residents
of the same place.Wits:
Julian Urban and Pablo Sandoval,Residents of
From the Book "Taos
baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez Page 132
and 133,Have
Paulin Cortez and Maria Concepcion Martin listed
with 9 children's baptisms recorded.One of the listings identifies
Paulin Cortez and Maria Concepcion Martin's parents as Manuel Cortez and
Maria Antonia Martin.Jose Antonio Gerbacio Martin
and Juana Josefa
Bapt 2-10-1829,8 days old.Father Paulin
Cortez,Mother Maria
Concepcion Martin.Padrinos:Francisco Cortez and
Maria Antonia Carrillo.
Same Taos Baptism Book
have Juan Christobal Vigil and Antonia Viviana
Torres with 9 children
(Page 697 and 698) the Grandparents are listed as
Miguel Vigil and Ana Maria Vallejos.Antonio Torres and Maria
Nicolasa Sandoval.
MARIA GUADALUPE VIGIL Bapt 12-28-1832,3 days old,Father Juan Christobal Vigil,Deceased,Mother Viviana Torres,Vecinos de San Francisco Del Rancho.PGP:Miguel Vigil and Anna Maria Vallejos.MGP:Antonio Torres and Nicolasa Sandoval.Pads: Manuel Andres Trujillo and Maria Dela Luz Sanchez. |