Julia Delavelle
The marriage record
from San Antonio Church in Penasco,New
Mexico.Microfilm Reel 50A AASF,Page 104.Says that Rev.Leon
Delavelle on the 20th of March (1915) married JULIA DELAVELLE born in 1878
in France,Daughter of Emilio Delavelle and Al_ _ Le_
_ or Se_ _ (name
not legible).And ANTONIO ARCHULETA,single born in
1890,son of Ana Maria
Archuleta.Witnesses:Ramon Sanchez and Virginia
1910 Census of Penasco
Precinct 10,County of Taos,Territory of New
Mexico.4th Day of May 1910.Manuel Cordova,Enumerator.
222-222 Delavelle,Leon
Rev.M W Age 30 Single born in France Preacher(Was a
Roman Catholic
Julia (His Sister) F W
Age 31 Single Born France Maid.
1910 Census Rio
Lucio,Penasco Precinct 10,County of Taos,Territory
of New Mexico 27th
day of April 1910.Manuel Cordova,Enemerator.Sheet
134-134 Archuleta,Ana
Maria Head F W Age 42 Single 4 Children Born 4
Living Farmer General
Teodoro Son M W Age 21
Single Laborer Odd Jobs
Antonio Son M W Age 19
Single Laborer Home Farm
Simonita Daughter F W
Age 14 Single
Trinidad Son M W Age 12
The marriage record of
Ana Maria Archuleta's brother Jose Andres Archuleta
list his parents
as Antonio Archuleta and Ana Maria Medina.
The book "Lamy's
Legion."By:Nancy Hanks,PhD,Published by HRM
Books.ISBN 0-9665859-1-7.Page
39 has Delavelle,Leon Joseph Ferreol,son of Virgile
and Laura Delavelle.
Note that the names of
Julia Delavelle's parents as listed by Rev.Leon
Delavelle and those
listed as his parents do not seem to be the same.