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Lony Family
The following information is from the book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo.Sept 1994.Published BY:The Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-Southern Calif.Branch.
Book Of Taos Marriages Taos M-40 (Box 37) 1833-1845,Frame 1979.

9 March 1840 JORGE LONY,Estrangero Soltero,Con JUANA MARIA DE HERRERA,Vecina de San Fernando Y Padrinos Eugenio Lucero ? Y Maria Rufina Vigil,Vecinos Dela Plaza de San Fernando.Testigos:Juan Valdes y Pedro Ribera,Vecinos del Mismo Lujan


The Taos County Website last updated May 14 2023
Submittals and suggestions always welcome; email Thomas Bombaci, Jr.