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Felipe Villalpando and Maria Aragon have 3 children's baptisms recorded in Taos:From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1848."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Information on page 662 as follows:
Felipe Villalpando
1-2-23-1839 Jose Gabino Villalpando,4 days old,Father Felipe de Jesus Villalpando,Mother Maria Felipa de Jesus Aragon, Vecinos de San Fernandez.Paternal Grandparents:Julian Villalpando y Maria Nicolasa Trujillo.Maternal Grandparents: Santiago Aragon y Maria Viviana Peola (Listed as Serna in 2 other entries).Padrinos:Jose Pablo Trujillo y Maria Ygnacia Baca.
2-12-15-1841 Maria Lucia Villalpando,4 days old.
3-3-18-1844 Jose Agapito Villalpando,3 days old.
From the book "New Mexico Mission De San Lorenzo De Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867."By:Betty Pacheco.Extracted from Microfilm Reel LDS # 016868,Page 157.
14 Sept 1817 FELIPE CRUZ DE JESUS,3 days old,son of Julian Pando and Maria Culasa Trujillo,Todos Espanoles.GrandParents not Listed.Padrinos:Jose Francisco Griego and Maria Christina Fernandez.

It seems that Felipe Villalpando and Maria Felipa Aragon may have been married prior to 1840.I did not find the marriage entry in the Taos Records.I did not see the marriage record in the Picuris Marriage Records either.My Picuris Marriage Records end in 1831.


The Taos County Website last updated May 14 2023
Submittals and suggestions always welcome; email Thomas Bombaci, Jr.