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Las Trampas Land Grant

Contributed by Alberto Vidaurre

Following is some information on SANTO THOMAS APOSTAL DEL RIO DE LAS TRAMPAS also known as LAS TRAMPAS Land Grant in the Southern part of what is now Taos County.

Las Trampas was settled 15 July 1751, under a grant made by Governor Tomas Velez Cachupin. Possession was given by Juan Joseph Lovato, Alcalde Mayor Y Capitan de Guerra de la Villa Nueva De Santa Cruz.

Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Surveyor General (SG) Case File 27 Microfilm Roll NO.16.Frame 254.

Land was granted to the following 12 heads of the 12 Families "Doze Familias."
They are listed in the same manner and order as entered in the possession granted documents.
1-Juan de Arguello,
2-Melchor Rodriguez,
3-Antonio Dominguez,
4-Pedro Phelipe Rodriguez,
5-Eusebio Leiva,
6-Luis de Leiva,
7-Juan Joseph de Arguello,
8-Juan Garcia,
9-Salvador Vaca,
10-Ygnacio Vargas,
11-Vicente Lucero,
12 Joseph de Aragon.

It is said that almost all were related to Juan de Arguello either through blood or marriage, Former residents of the Barrio de Analco district in Santa Fe. Most can be found in the Santa Fe 1750 Spanish Census.

Juan Joseph de Arguello listed as NO.7 above was the son of The Leader Juan de Arguello.
Eusebio Leiba NO.5 was married to Maria Manuela Arguello.
Luis de Leiba NO.6 appears to have been Eusebio and Maria Manuela's son.
Melchor Rodriguez listed as NO.2 above was the son of Sebastian Rodriguez, Diego de Vargas Black Drummer and Herald (Official Pregonero).
Pedro Phelipe Rodriguez NO.4 was the son of Melchor Rodriguez.His (Melchor's) daughter Joaquina was the wife of Juan Garcia listed as NO.8.

Additional information obtained from the following books:
1- Arguello,Jerol A.-A Pioneering Community;A Tribute To Juan De Arguello And The Original Twelve Families Who Settled The Santo Thomas Del Rio De Las Trampas Land Grant.Self Published May 1994.
2-deBuys,William.-Enchantment and Exploitation.The Life and Hard Times of a New Mexico Mountain Range.Published By University of New Mexico Press 1985.
3-Ebright,Malcolm.-Land Grants and Lawsuits in Northern New Mexico.Published By University of New Mexico Press 1994.
4-Olmsted,Virginia Langham.Spanish And Mexican Censuses of New Mexico:1750-1830. Published By The New Mexico Genealogical Socity,Inc.1981.

The Taos County Website last updated May 17 2023
Submittals and suggestions always welcome; email Thomas Bombaci, Jr.